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Women’s NBA will be in the spotlight in the upcoming edition of the Manila Hustle 3×3.This is what tournament director Peachy Medina shared in a press conference on Tuesday, days before the upcoming 3×3 tourney.”What happened to volleyball is really phenomenal so that’s the aspiration for women’s NBA as well,” tournament director Peachy Medina said. “I really hope that women’s NBA will help get the traction it really deserves.”.The tournament, which will be held on Feb 2-4 at the SM Mall of Asia Music Hall, will have 16 teams competing for 3×3 supremacy, including Gilas Pilipinas Women, Uratex teams Dream and Tibay, Discovery Perlas, and teams from South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia, India, and Thailand.Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas (SBP) executive director Erika Dy also echoed the same sentiment as Medina.“It’s really when stakeholders come up with tournaments like this that contributes to the industry and that really elevates the game,” she said.National 3×3 program director Eric Altamirano, meanwhile, said the tournament will serve as a platform for player identification.“We wanted to use this tournament to evaluate the players in the pool and this gives us a chance to identify who can play in FIBA Asia Cup 3×3,” he said—Justin Kenneth Carandang/JMB, GMA Integrated News
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